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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reflection . . . .

As my second year at Purdue came to a close I took time to reflect upon all the great academic and social experiences I have been fortunate enough to be a part of. In doing so, I realized that one stood out among the rest.

Before coming to Purdue I was on the fence of whether or not to pursue my Speech Language and Hearing Sciences Degree as Honors. I was afraid that the transition from high school to college would be hard enough and that Honors classes would only add more stress to my workload. Despite my skepticism I enrolled in two honors class for my first semester. Since then I have taken an honors course each term for classes both in and outside of my Major. I have found my Honors courses to be both challenging and engaging. They do not necessarily require more work, but a different kind of work. The classes are generally smaller and more discussion based, allowing for greater interaction among the class and between the students and Professor. Professors push you to understand and analyze material, not just memorize it. They encourage you to think outside the box and to be open to new perspectives.

I would recommend Honors classes to both prospective and current students. Even if someone is not interested in perusing their entire degree as honors, a few honors courses would provide great opportunities to explore new interests and create new relationships with peers and professors.

College years fly, and before you know it they are gone (I cant believe I have already reached the half way point!). It is important to make the most of our time as students at Purdue, and participation in an honors class or program is one of many great ways to do just that.

--- Maggie Flynn

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