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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sure signs of Spring..

Sure Signs of Spring!
So being that it is after Spring Break, you would think there would be no more cold temperatures. Well, West Lafayette was in for a surprise on Sunday! Not only was it cold, it snowed! But this post is not about the cold temperature; in fact it is about the day after, Monday! You can tell it is close to spring time here at Purdue by the following pictures. The first one you will notice is the trees blooming near Stone Hall, ahh it is so nice to see some color!

Second you will notice students around the fountain studying, or in this case taking a nap (lucky them)
Lastly, it is that time of year for Purdue Student Government Elections! Elections run from Tuesday to Thursday this year and you would go to get involved to vote, I provided a link so you can check it out!
( http://www.getinvolved.purdue.edu/Community?action=getMyHome ) Yes, all around
campus you will see chalk, like this… and signs, like this…. With temperatures in the 60’s all week it is a great time to be around campus!
That’s all for now,


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